The Pink Collection

A Confrontation with Modern Life

Born from a personal struggle to make life livable, David Gębski has crafted their Pink Collection: a series of paintings earlier accompanied by the Blue Collection.

You should fear for your life, 2022

By using materials found on the streets of Amsterdam, such as old frames, plastic and wood, David Gębski skillfully incorporates the life of the viewer, confronting them with the reality of the streets, the struggle to survive, and the constant tension between love, hate and fear.

Drawing from mythology and personal experience, classical forms and modern themes are juxtaposed, inviting the viewer to reconsider our values and question the society in which we live.

Nuanced, yet unmistakably direct, these works are another reminder that art has the power to transform, provoke, and inspire.

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On view at "Uncaging" with Ptah, at Bar Bario, Amsterdam
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On view at "Uncaging" with Ptah, at Bar Bario, Amsterdam
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